I am pleased to join the panel on Key Asset Classes at the 6th annual summit NPL ITALY at the Enterprise Hotel Milano Corso Sempione 91
The main topics discussed in the panel include:
What approach will the banks use to manage UTPs? Is the NPL market in Italy rapidly evolving into a UTP-dominated market? What will this mean for Investors and Servicers?
How will the Banks manage SME defaults, and what specific challenges do these represent for Servicers?
What opportunities are there for Investors in the CRE market, and how are prices developing across different industry sectors including; hospitality, offices, and logistics?
What strategies are the banks adopting for each of the key asset classes in Italy, and how much is this determined by Buyer appetite?
How are Collection rates evolving in the unsecured and Resi markets? Where are the key opportunities for Debt Purchasers/Servicers in these segments?
With increased problematic credit on granular positions, will banks need to ensure risk supervision through specialized servicers?
Link to the Event
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